A blessed day to one and all, I’m sharing with you a healing message I received this morning, along with a tachyon healing balance with the reading.
So the question I was pondering, for those of us who feel the call to show up at this time and own our unique gifts, what do we need to know right now?
Right from the get go, the statement that I heard in my head was “Get clear with what brings you joy. Align with what you would consider your heart’s desires. Start by being powerfully discerning to make clear choices and to allow yourself to walk the path that nurtures and promotes your life force/Spirit, to allow it to grow and evolve.”
Tachyon: Get clear and open up to angelic support. Ask. Ask. Ask. They can’t help you until you give permission!!”
“The impetus to accumulate and strategise in an attempt to be on par with the crowd is what is limiting the flow of your own unique expression. Your over reactive/activated survival instinct (collective obsession) needs your healing attention so that the abundance codes you (already) carry can express themselves through you. You do not have to fit in to blossom.”
“This impetus to strategise and accumulate is a distortion of the initial codes of abundance that you already carry within you. You are abundant but you have forgotten or have lost your connection to it. Practice gratitude as a way of balancing this.”
Tachyon: Opening up to Joy. The distortion to your abundance codes have come from your becoming unconscious to the worldly rule that you need money to survive. Eg choosing a career or doing something out of necessity even if you hated it. Find pathways or open up to finding opportunities that allow you to create abundance through things you love.
“You desire to be an emissary of healing and hope is what has led to some of those distortions. This is where the discernment is an important aspect in deciding which wars are to be fought and which you must willingly (and in trust) let go to a higher power.”
“The very challenge that we are wrestling with is a birthing process to being more connected to the flow of your own life force, to become at one with your essence and to re-activate the wisdom and inner-sense that you hold within.”
Tachyon: Powerful transformations will take place as you open up to more and more of our potential, more and more of our truth.
“Where we stand at the moment, there is a little too much moping over what is now gone. The good old days must be appreciated for the blessings they brought but you must expand your perspective to see what blessings you do hold in reserve. Again, the gratitude exercise will shift your vibrational state and allow you to see what potentials you have left standing on the shelf for too long. This is also an indicator that old tools that you have come to rely on are not as effective as they used to be. Their time have passed and they too acted as a bridge to allow you to step into more of your power.”
Tachyon: Healing of the broken self image. Time to really see who looks back in the mirror, warts and all and to integrate. Positive and negative, the integration and assertive (leading to confident) affirmation of unity within.
“Yes the world, our environment is in turmoil, but you cannot meet it whilst you consider playing with the old tools. Your outer experience is acting as a powerful catalyst to help you grow into who you have come to be.”
Tachyon: Releasing deep insights around why there is a need to heal. To become clear as to who actually wins through your intervention. Eg empaths may take on other people’s gunk in an attempt to make it all better for others whilst not recognising that you rob the other of the learning experience and if you have not been developing your ability to transmute, you will become a repository of other people’s energetic trash.
“Courageously cultivate balance in your world, within and without and be open to the changes that are already in the process. Take courage, open up to it. You are being protected. Trust the free fall. Continue to get clear with what generates the greatest fulfilment with your sense of joy and the abundance that you seek will be.”
The healing is being transmitted through the photo and all you will need to do to access it is to read the notes and set your intention to receive, should you feel resonance with it.
Namaste <3
#Tarot #Healing #Tachyon #Lightworkers #Flow #Joy #Getclear #222222