I’ve been receiving a lot of messages recently around issues of being attached, feeling stuck, blocked by heavy energies, aka bad juju which can appear as a consistent run of bad luck.
In response I was instructed today to create this sigil to support those who choose to use it. The following Protection Sigil employs the Andromedan Diamond Grid of Protection which I shared some months ago, coupled with the sigils for the 4 Angels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael and finally a numeric sequence to support and uphold the Sovereign Divine Light within you.
Should you feel drawn to use this sigil, this is how you use it.
1) Print the Sigil, it does not need to be big, about the size of a post it note will do.
2) In the center of the image, on where the Andromedan sigil is, write “I AM DIVINELY PROTECTED”, followed by your name, your date of birth and sign it.
3) You may then fold this and keep it on you, eg. in your wallet or perhaps tucked into your phone as most of us carry our phones with us at most times.
Additional ideas:
a) If you are wanting to make multiple copies, you may also use one for your home space, again the same size as a post it note and place it under a dish. In the centre, you may write, either as before or “My Home is Powerfully and Divinely Protected.” Burn a tea light over this daily and with all fire works, be mindful of fire hazards close by, eg. curtains, cloths, children etc.
b) Place these wherever you are likely to spend a lot of your time in, eg, office work space, your car, remembering to adjust the words to the intention that the place with this sigil is being protected.Feel free to pass this on and share to those you know who could do with a bit of energetic and divine support at this time.
If you would like to work with me to focus more deeply on your challenges at this time, please DM me and we can book our sessions together.
Namaste brothers and sisters, may the light in you shine with the graceful ferocity of the divine sun that you are a living expression of.
#protection #angels #Andromeda #sigil #Michael #Gabriel #uriel #raphael #sovereignty #energyhealing #healing #protection #blessed