Every room, every space, every conceivable reality we can imagine has a doorway leading into it, requiring a specific key to unlock it. Our resonant vibrational frequency determines the key we are master of and the reality we have access to and find ourselves in.
The heart generates a frequency and is modulated by the state of each of the other chakras in our energetic system, rising and falling like the tides as we move from moment to moment, reflecting and mirroring the environment and the people we are engaging with.
The vision we are in agreement with, the goal we at-“tune” and lovingly pay attention to aligns and opens us to embody the frequency of our focal point.
We become our Vision and it becomes us.
The doorway has always only been a portal to a facet of our infinity. (At-tune to this knowing.) You have access to an infinite range of possibilities.
Which key will we each keep our focus on?
Whilst is would seem fairly clear cut to simply choose a frequency and to stick with it, the energetic templates within the circuitry of our consciousness will play a powerful part in the upholding of that frequency.
Clear the pathways to insure the integrity of your heart frequency and your dreams will become your reality. The inner work starts when we know what it is that we are seeking to create.