Note that whilst our sessions can attend to issues presenting themselves through the body, mind, emotions or spirit, the work itself is done on the energetic level as most of the templates of our experiences are encoded within the energy field surrounding us.
Each of these modalities have a slightly different way of meeting the wound although ultimately, in all these processes, the intention is to allow for the complete witnessing of the wounded aspect so that healing can begin. Please feel free to browse through the list of modalities and allow yourself to feel which would suit you best.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Reiki Healing and Attunements:
Reiki, may be translated as ‘Universal life force’, is a form of energy healing system channeled through in the 1920s by Mikao Usui in Japan as a spiritual practice. Energy healing is the original form of medicine and there are different forms of energy healing therapies that can benefit us on our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
When we begin to see ourselves as a living synthesis of these four levels, not just a body with a mind, we begin to recognise how the opening up to the Universal energy will have a positive impact on all the levels of our being.
Besides being a powerfully relaxing process, a Reiki session can help clear blocks, repair and rebalance our energy fields. Relaxation is the absence of energy blockages, and all types or stages of energy blockage usually express as stress to some level or another.
When energy blockages are cleared from the system, the life force is able to move to and through all parts of the body, creating and maintaining a sense of harmony, vitality and well being. Energy healing can also help clarify issues before they manifest as pain or diseases in our body. It opens our consciousness to the areas we need to heal and bring health, harmony, and vitality to our energy field.
Apart from being attuned (opened up and aligned) to the Reiki, practitioners follow the following 5 principles which help to further strengthen the energy flow through them:
Just for now;
- be at Peace,
- be in Trust,
- be Honest,
- be Compassionate,
- embody Gratitude.
Reiki can increase our general well-being without causing side effects.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Astro Q.I Healing™
AstroQI™ is a system which combines my extensive experience with Astrology with my developed healing modality QI Source Code™, which allows for any issue to be tracked to its source origins within the Astrological natal chart.
The process begins with an in-depth exploration of the issue through the lens of the astrological chart to gain clarity and understanding of what the issue is and what the wound is offering in terms of growth, evolution and individuation. Most often, the issue is one that has arisen within the individual within this incarnation but there can be instances when the issue is one that has been carried either as a soul distortion/stain or one that runs in the bloodline that the individual has been born into.
As part of the session, we also look at what can be done to reframe the issue and to find the best way forward in terms of expression of the astrological configuration contributing to the issue. This is usually set up as homework or practice that can be undertaken to transform the expression level of the astrological configuration.
The process is completed with an energy healing to clear and release the energetics which held the issue in place and an attunement blessing to embed and activate the wisdom gained within the session.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Aura and Chakra Healing
The Aura is the field of energy and light that surrounds every physical being on this planet and its general condition, colour, feel and vibrancy can reveal our present mental, physical and spiritual state. It is made up of several layers and each layer is associated with a particular colour and aspect of our being.
Like Auras, Chakras also come with specific spiritual colors. The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit language meaning spinning wheel of energy. As I perceive them, these chakras lie just outside of our physical bodies, both front and back and are anchored into the energy circuitry running through the spine. There are 7 main Chakras, each associated with and connected to a specific colour, organ, gland, emotional state and function. The Chakras are like energy gathering stations which draw energy from the energy field/Consciousness that permeates the Universe which they then distribute the energy throughout the body. I see the chakras almost like a set of multi coloured traffic lights which switch on and off as they work to maintain the homeostasis of our energy body. They are not consistently on, nor are they consistently off.
Together, the Aura and our Chakras can be seen as our energy body.
Like our physical bodies, our energy body is affected by our experiences through life and does undergo some level of wear and tear. Just as happy moments can raise the vibrancy of the energy body, sustained challenging experiences or sudden trauma can create a distortion of the field or the chakras as it attempts to adapt and compensate for the experience. This can appear as blocks, density, sluggishness, tears or general irregularities to the “feel” of the energy body.
A healing and balancing session starts off with an assessment of your energy body followed by the use of various energy tools to help restore integration, balance, coordination and harmony to the whole energy system.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Awakening to your Guiding Star™
Rediscover, reconnect and activate the Sacred Star of your Divine Essence to be your guiding light through your life journey.
In our modern and busy world, it is very easy to get caught up with the stresses and challenges of daily living and for the voice of your higher wisdom to be drowned out of your awareness. And it can be that in some areas of your life, you feel very much in tune and directed whilst in others, the connection feels broken, disabled or weak.
In this session we begin by bringing focus to the areas where the connection to your guiding spirit needs strengthening, first by identifying any blocks, beliefs, limitations or stressors that are present and associated with that area of your life, along with any energy circuit distortions or breaks in your field.
In the light of conscious awareness, initiating the process of of release and clearing, a renewed pathway to your own innate guidance begins to form which can then be embedded through the energy healing processes in the remainder of the session, to support and reestablish the re-membering and deep anchoring of the knowing that you are, and have always been connected to the wisdom of your guiding star.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Compassion Key
Compassion Key is a powerful healing modality which actively engages the transmutative energy of Compassion and directs it towards clearing Soul Imprints and limiting beliefs to bring about healing and a shift in your perception and patterns. It is very effective in clearing emotional issues and programmes that are affecting your life experiences from either a conscious or unconscious level.
Common themes that are worked on include beliefs, attitudes and feelings surrounding:
- Relationships,
- Personal Identity,
- Finances and Success,
- Physical Health,
- Work/career,
- Personal/Spiritual Growth,
- Self-Confidence/Love,
- Abandonment/Betrayal,
- Habits or Addictions
but it does not have to be limited to just these. In fact, any misconception or belief that is negatively impacting the way you experience your life is most likely originating from an imprint that can be looked at and worked through in session. I have even completely cleared my smoking and food cravings for red meat after just one self directed session each, without any withdrawals at all.
As we clear the imprints that inform the the way you perceive, engage with and experience your life, a new relationship can then take place, one which allows your fullest potential to arise and take form.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval
Within any relationship, especially significant ones, an energetic line of connection, a cord, is created to facilitate the engagement and exchange between the two parties involved. It is not the intellectual or causal level of interaction that creates or determines the level of connection but the energetic impact and content of the exchange. The greater the energy, the greater the strength of the cord. The cord, unlike the spiritual tie that exists between all beings of creation and carries the essence of divine love and connection, carries the energetic templates and programs of engagement between you and the other person. These can and will be labels, projections, expectations, biases, hopes, fears and all that you would consciously and unconsciously associate with that person.
As this cord is a two way exchange, not only does it carry your imprints of the other, but will also carry theirs of you, which is akin to not just having your tinted glasses in relation to the other person, but theirs too, as you both try to navigate the relationship in whatever capacity that it may exist on, whether it be a romantic one, family, friend or a business associate.
These cords connect both your auras and expose you to these negative patterns 24/7. They affect you subconsciously in a variety of ways and can drain your energy. In truth, the cord is not really being created outside of yourself but is instead your unresolved energy and template distortions, and anyone who is a close fit to triggering these distortions will become the carrier of them. This cord of connection thus presents you with an opportunity, through the interaction, through conscious engagement, to begin the process of clearing away your distortions so that your connections can once more return to being experienced through the spiritual tie.
Good news is that cords of attachments can be cut, removed and healed. When you cut a negative cord, you are cleansing the negative behavioural, emotional and mental patterns that circulate between you and the other person. If the cordee is still alive, then your relationship can improve as a result. If the cordee is dead or you are not in contact, then it becomes a lot easier to put the negative aspects and thoughts of that particular relationship behind you.
When you cut a cord, you are cutting the cord on your end only, and the person you cut the cord with will not feel it. Life will continue as it has for them, in fact, cutting the cord is not about erasing them from your memory or reality, it is instead the clearing of the tinted lens, perhaps even removing the lens completely and allowing the spiritual tie to come into prominence for you so that you are able to decide how to engage going forward from a space of peace in your own clarity.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
DNA Activation, 13 Strand
A decree is a command spoken out loud aligning ourselves with the state which we are connecting with. This is especially potent when the three centres of knowing are active and aligned, allowing for the vocalisations to reverberate through and into the energetic and to begin to express itself in the physical.
Stating an decree is a powerful action that allows individuals to regain control over their lives, where the command statement defines a new program to be installed whilst also including its unconscious, negative “by-default” counterpart to release and diffuse any unconscious drag and resistance that may exist on the polar end of the desired goal.
In reprogramming DNA, we create new programs, and do that through intentional decrees from zero point.
DNA is both physical and energetic in nature, existing as different faces of the same coin and it is highly sensitive to stimulation through directed intention and decrees. Effects on the physical can and will affect its energetic nature and vice versa. Much of our DNA is made up of our original lost codes which are hidden somewhere in an unexplored and misunderstood zone that scientists call junk DNA. Programs within our DNA have come from our biological ancestors, through the generations, shaped by our parents, our environment both physical and the energetic/emotive/intellectual one which pervades our every moment, which continually imprints the DNA as a living data bank of our experiential universe. Unfortunately, we are mostly subconsciously programmed and we tend to naturally go back to our unconscious “by-default” programs but that being said, the fact that we are all collectively moving towards being awakened and conscious, we are in effect beginning to remember that we can also choose to be Conscious Programmers of our codes through Quantum Epigenetices.
The Quantum Epigenetics work consists of 31 protocols designed to work specifically on the 13 helixes of the DNA. The practitioner tests through the protocols to see which is needed at the time and usually 3 to 4 programmes can be completed in an hour session. At the end of the session the practitioner will test to see if another session is needed for the intention or goal.
Depending on your goal or intention you would need a different combination of protocols. It does not mean that you need all 31 programmes for your specific intention or goal.
Quantum Epigenetics can be done in person or remotely. For remote balances you may choose to be online at the time or not. Quantum Epigenetics works on the quantum level.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Emotion Freedom Technique
Emotion Freedom Technique, sometimes referred to as tapping is a powerful tool for the mobilisation and release of energy within the body’s energy channels.
These channels, called the meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine are paths on the physical body along which the life energy, called qi or chi flows. Energy is constantly being communicated throughout the body, and emotions can sometimes be considered as your responses to energy in motion. When that energy is suppressed and not allowed to express itself, it can become blocked, which in turn can register as issues that limit our capacity to be at ease with our life within our being or to experience the flow of abundant grace in our life.
Within the session we first identify the underlying emotions or beliefs that is contributing to a certain resistance and trigger before using a series of gentle taps on certain point on the face, body and hands, coinciding with the end or start points of the meridians to help move and release the blocks within the channels in relation to the issue being worked on.
EFT Can Help to:
• Relieve stress and promote general relaxation
• Release and transform painful, uncomfortable or “negative”emotions like
anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt, etc.
• Improve or even eliminate some types of physical discomfort or pain
• Heal the effects of emotional trauma whether you remember the incident or not
• Resolve blocks and help behavior
• Address relationship issues
• Relieve the symptoms of PTSD
• Increase self-esteem, clear-thinking, positive feelings and a sense of greater peace
• Increase energy and productivity
• Promote growth, self-empowerment and confidence
• Release self-limiting beliefs and breakthrough into greater possibilities
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Energetic Space Clearing
Have you ever walked into a charity shop and felt a wash of emotion, more often a very mixed bag, not generally uplifting, come over you? Or a space where tension and drama was the norm? Or gone into a room where a baby has just been born? What you are sensing is the energy (including emotional energy) of the space.
Dense energies can and will accumulate like dust bunnies in the corners of our homes and offices over time. It’s especially important to clear out the energy from time to time.
Space clearing is the work done to clear a building, room or space on an energy level. This clearing can also be done on a smaller scale to clear the energies of items in our possession.
As the saying goes, build it and they will come. The same can be said about most solid objects, as they too will accumulate energetic debris through time. This can be due to general and continued exposure to energy and emotions or it can be due to a sudden change or intrusion of a new energy, especially after:
- A major argument
- A divorce or breakup
- Negative people being in your space
- A particularly stressful week or event
- Being sick
- When moving into a new space that somebody else occupied
What the session does is it clears, transmutes and scrambles the heavier non beneficial energies in a space before it brings in more supportive and loving energies to allow for healing and a sense of deep peace to express itself in the space again.
Space Clearing can be done in person or remotely.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Heart Field Tap™
The Heart Field tap is a simple yet profoundly powerful healing modality that I channeled in 2011 whilst I was meditating on the effects of stress on the energy body.
In my explorations I discovered that our personal energy field is naturally in a state of flux and is continuously expressing itself, both as an affirmation of the state of being but also in communication to the universe.
When the field becomes locked in a specific frequency and expression, it begins to also draw a specific response and experience from the universe.
What I also discovered was that when certain ideas or thoughts were focused on, the field would naturally shape shift in response to the idea but also act as a natural frequency signature to that thought and therefore becomes a barometer to the way in which that thought was held in our being/consciousness.
The Heart field tap process steps in to break the fixed feedback loop of thought and response frequency, allowing for a new response vibration and frequency to be brought in and associated with the thought and thus allow for a new broadcast to be made to the Universe.
What can imagine what you are able to achieve with the frequency of Love?
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Intimacy Rites™
The Intimacy Rite is a specific series of hand positions and placements which I channeled through on the 22nd Jan 2020.
In our modern, busy lives, in our relationships, it is very easy to go on automatic pilot and play a role, even if it is farthest from our personal truth. This can be due to a number of reasons including limiting beliefs, self esteem, expectations, projections, past hurts and experiences, fear of being judged, promises made to self or the other and so forth.
As relationships are formed between any two individuals within an interaction, when one or both parties become stuck in behaviour patterns, this creates inner dissonance which will eventually express itself as frustration, disappointment, resentment, anger, arguments and a myriad of other stresses on the relationship.
If the stress is too big and is not consciously worked on, then the relationship may suffer a break down either on the physical, emotional, mental, energetic or a combination of these.
Energetically, the lines of communication and connection shut down as a way of self protection and if connection is forced, the wounds and hurts held by either party will surface and express itself at the forefront of communication.
Through my meditations, I have been guided to understand that the Intimacy Rite is not about creating sexual intimacy* but about initiating true intimacy with ourselves and with the other.
*Although if undertaken by a couple who seek to deepen their connection, this may support their intention but this also depends on the authenticity of either party in their interaction with each other.
Whilst the rite is performed through a series of hand placements, the process is essentially energetic in function and each position has a distinct energetic message which is communicated to every cell in the body whilst the placement is held. It initiates the release of beliefs, blocks, cords of attachment, contracts and energies which are being triggered/activated within the relationship, all of which limit alignment with one’s personal integrity, vision and truth.
The process can be undertaken with the other person within the relationship you wish to harmonise or a with a surrogate. Additionally, as this is an energetic process, no words, mantras or visualisations are required, the rite is about presence as you hold the hand positions. It is not limited by time or space and can be performed through the surrogate method for individuals with whom you have shared any kind of connection with and now you are seeking to make peace with.
This is a coaching session where I guide you and your partner/surrogate through the rite.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Pendulum Healing
A pendulum is any weighted object tied to the end of a cord or chain.
For both dowsing and pendulum healing, most pendulums can be used, however each type of pendulum will have its own strengths, quality, frequency and area of specialty, due to a combination of factors including the material used, its shape, geometry and even the size of the pendulum.
Although any pendulum can be used for energy work, there are a number of specialty pendulums on the market which have been crafted for specific uses and make for easier work.
The basic pendulum process begins with the clearing of the blocks and limitations associated with, or contributing to the issue before the installation or activation of the templates, energies or frequencies that will support the growth process and finally the integration and harmonisation to allow for the changes to be embedded with ease. As with all the healing methods presented, pendulum energy work can be used to address issues on any level of being, the physical, mental, emotional or the spiritual and is not limited to just the here and now but can also be used to facilitate a breakthrough at a different point in space and time so that the NOW moment is also transformed.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Q.I Source Codes Healing™
Each and every challenge we face is an opportunity to evolve, transform and grow should we find the courage to direct the light of our consciousness towards that which initially presents itself as a trigger, challenge or a wounding.
Whether the impulse of growth arises from within ourselves or from outside, the common denominator is that the current walls that we use to define ourselves are being pushed and the pressure that arises from this pushing is felt as a discomfort nudging us to grow and adapt.
At times, the pressure may cause us to a hunker down to further define our perimeters, in others, the impetus will call for redefinition. In both cases, growth is still the outcome as both, through different pathways lead to the affirmation and alignment to one’s truth.
Quantum Is-ness or Q.I. Source Code is a healing system I developed in 2020 which helps to identify the source point of an issue, bringing awareness to where the the issue is arising from, what areas it may also be expressing itself through and more importantly, what the issue is attempting to catalyse as the growth response in you, both in terms of pathway trajectory and evolutionary outcome.
Here we honour and realise that the issue is the sacred catalytic trigger to the next level of evolution that you are ready to grow into and your quantum nature becomes the source of the energetic templates and solutions to help you energetically integrate the breakthrough into the new you, which is undertaken in the final part of the session.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol™
In 2017 and beyond, the word Sovereignty started popping up in my awareness and communications, gaining energetic importance in my awareness. My guides were keen to explain to me that each one of us, not just the royal families of the world were sovereign.
At first I had assumed it was the Sovereignty as one would associate with the placement of a crown on our head. My guides showed me that this was correct but at the same time, it was so much more than that.
As time passed, they showed me deeper and deeper levels of Sovereignty up to the point where they said, “When the 3 centres of knowing are cleansed, cleared, activated augmented, aligned and made 1, then true Sovereignty becomes your natural state and expression.“
The energy healing process focuses on this piece of instruction allow your own Spirit Essence of Sovereignty to be awakened from its slumber, to reconnect what has been disconnected and to allow for the true sense of your authority to sit once more upon the throne of your power.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️
Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation™
Using your Astrological Chart as a quantum treasure map of the ever evolving, sacred journey of your eternal self, we will explore the reaches of the Celestial expanse that you have travelled and rediscover characteristics, gifts and wisdom that you carry from these lifetimes and places, along with what you seek to learn through your ongoing explorations. This part of the session can also bring clarity on particular challenges that are being faced in this lifetime and understanding on how to navigate them and transmute them into your personal gold.
The second half of the session will include an energy healing to clear away blocks that are being held in your field, limiting the expression of the fuller spectrum of you and a blessing to allow for an expansion within for all the relevant gifts that you carry from your other aspects to find natural expression in your earth human presence.
☀️ Reiki Healing and Attunements ☀️ Astro Q.I Healing ☀️ Aura and Chakra Healing ☀️ Awakening to your Guiding Star ☀️ Compassion Key ☀️ Cord Cutting and Soul Fragment Retrieval ☀️ DNA Activation, 13 Strand ☀️ Emotion Freedom Technique ☀️ Energetic Space Clearing ☀️ Heart Field Tap ☀️ Intimacy Rites ☀️ Pendulum Healing ☀️ Q.I Source Codes Healing ☀️ Sovereignty, Law of 11 Protocol ☀️ Starseed Lineage and Healing Activation ☀️