Intuitive/Psychic Readings

My guides have always said to me that the Universe (God) is always listening and communicating with us. The communication is continuous and ongoing. All we have to do is learn how to listen and read the signs.

What are the signs? The language is most often through the language of the Soul and Spirit, through symbolism and the senses, both physical and the psychic/intuitive.

  • Astro*Numerology™:

I was inspired to create this system which combines my two loves, Astrology and Numbers in early 1995. Little did I know then how powerful a system this would turn out to be.

Assigning planetary associations to each number, whilst also honouring the astrological atmosphere for the moment that the question is raised, the same sequence of numbers would be read differently based on the time and location of the consultation.

The beauty in this system is that unlike an Astrological reading, an Astro*Numerology reading actively invites your Higher Wisdom to supply the numerical sequence that will then lead to the message you are ready to receive, through the promptings that led to the question.

An Astro*Numerology reading homes in on the main components of a situation in question. Along with shedding light on the surface, it also highlights the deeper implications and callings that the situation poses to you as an evolving being. How best can you meet the challenge and what qualities do you possess that will help you in best utilising the opportunity in the challenge and the moment?

  • Tarot and Oracle Cards:

As a child, my grandmother taught me how to read playing cards and my Scorpio Moon made me a quick learner. In fact, I devoured any book that gave guidance on how to read the signs, from tea leaves, cards, palms, I’d investigate them all. In 1991, whilst at University I bought my first Tarot pack, apparently created specifically for Capricorns.

I took to reading the cards like a duck to water and very soon was doing mini readings for friends in the cafeteria. Whilst it may have made me very popular amongst those who were keen to discover their love fate, I soon became bored with the prospect of only doing readings for relationships and decided to “close shop” and dive a little deeper into what the tarot could teach me.

And so my real journey began, perhaps not as ardently as I was pursuing my Astrological calling but it was there none the less, supporting me in developing and honing my intuitive and psychic senses.

My tarot style is unique to me, where there is a strong psychological/spiritual emphasis to my readings, to support the identification of origins, blocks, strengths and also, the channeling of guidance on what can be done to break through or create grace with the situation.

More recently, I have started using Oracle cards to help identify deeper themes that my clients are going through. Whilst the Tarot can be very powerful in addressing specific areas of life being activated through both the minor and major arcana, there are some very potent Oracle Cards on the market right now that carry Archetypal Essences not generally addressed in the Tarot, which ties in nicely with the evolving consciousness of the Collective.

The difference I see between an Astrological and an Intuitive reading is that Astrology usually looks at the bigger picture whilst the Tarot on the other hand offers greater versatility at allowing you to look at both the smaller and finer details of a situation. Where Astrology deals with sizable segments of time, creative use of the Tarot can be used to break these segments into smaller, more comfortable chunks. Where Astrology highlights the theme of a story line, the Tarot shows the kind of dialogue within it.