I began working with activating light body recently and since I started I have been seeing this image and variations of this fractal everywhere, even in between blinks. And so I am sharing this code to support those of you who are open to activating and awakening to your magnificence.
To use:
1) with conscious breathing, bring your awareness to you heart, whilst looking at the core of the diamond structure. Both hands are raised as though receiving energy from above. Remember the recent cascade activation, you are using this hand position to connect and draw in codes from your higher aspects. Continue for a few breath cycles.
2) set the intention to receive this activation.
3) when you feel you have received an energy packet in your hands (you will feel it), draw your hands down, slowly, with conscious breathing , and imagine that you are drawing the energy packet through the centre of your being and direct it to your heart. You should feel something moving through your crown.
4) Rest your Left and Right on your Heart and keep it there whilst undertaking conscious/mindful breathing. Repeat process if you feel you need to. Eyes are looking at the heart of the image throughout this time.
5) When you feel that you have received what you have asked for, with your right hand (left still in place), gently tap your crown, followed by your third eye, then your heart and finally gently place your right hand on your sacrum, or middle finger on your tailbone/coccyx.
6) A few more conscious breaths and you are done.
If you would like to support my work, you can do so through https://paypal.me/walterwboyd
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