Compassion Key is Here


Compassion Key is a powerful healing modality which actively engages the transmutative energy of Compassion and directs it towards clearing Soul Imprints and limiting beliefs to bring about healing and a shift in your perception and  patterns. It is very effective in clearing emotional issues and programmes that are affecting your life experiences from either a conscious or unconscious level.

Common themes that are worked on include beliefs, attitudes and feelings surrounding: 

  • Relationships,
  • Personal Identity,
  • Finances and Success,
  • Physical Health,
  • Work/career,
  • Personal/Spiritual Growth,
  • Self-Confidence/Love,
  • Abandonment/Betrayal,
  • and Habits or Addictions

but it does not have to be limited to just these. Any misconception or belief that is negatively impacting the way you experience your life is most likely originating from an imprint that can be looked at and worked through in session. I have even effectively neutralised my own smoking and food cravings for red meat after just one self directed session each, with no withdrawals at all.

As we clear the imprints that inform the the way you perceive, engage with and experience your life, a new relationship can then take place, one which allows your fullest potential to arise and take form.

If this resonates and you are looking to experience a breakthrough in your life, please DM me to schedule a session.

Following are some of the testimonials I have received from clients: 

“Hello Walter!

I would like to report that I had an epic week that culminated yesterday with immense joy and fulfilment. On Thursday I launched my Body of Light 21 Day Nourish Cleanse and had 7 women sign up. I had money flowing and such a deep sense of fulfilment and happiness leading these women on Zoom into this powerful detox and also the Quantum Flow and Kundalini activations. 

Also this week a huge opportunity has come up to open a small yoga studio in a very cool town with amazing people:) plus I delivered and sold my Divine Garlic (planted with sacred mantras and love) to the largest high end grocery store nearby and they will take as much as I have:) my soul business life vision and mission to serve humanity with my divine gift and love has always been immense and now I can literally see how it is all coming together.

Thank you again for the very powerful session that undoubtedly liberated many layers of karmic vasanas so that I am truly shining as a Goddess of Light!”


“I was fortunate to have six CK sessions, including one with a certified Master Practitioner, before having my session with Walter.  So I can tell you with all honesty, and without a shadow of a doubt, that my session with Walter totally blew me away!  Nothing could have prepared me for the depth and quality that Walter brings to CK.  I am even having trouble finding words to describe it.  It was THAT powerful!

In all of my previous CK sessions, I had not been able to visualize anything.  I also had never before been able to access anything beyond my current life; not even under Quantum Hypnosis.  But lo and behold, in a matter of minutes, Walter had me accessing (and visualizing!) an aspect of me that clearly wasn’t from this lifetime!  And it all got even better from there!

With unbelievable fluidity, Walter expertly knew how to approach this particular situation and bring it to a very successful resolution.  And he made it look easy, too!  By the end of our session together, my energy had shifted so powerfully that even I was shocked by the sheer difference! 

Whereas my previous CK sessions had left me with a very subtle (yet very real) sensation of change, Walter’s session left me with a very noticeable, tangible, powerful sensation of change.

I am very grateful to Walter for his work, and I wholeheartedly, highly recommend it.  I look forward to having more sessions with him!  He is an incredibly gifted soul, and it is a privilege to work with him.”


“I was inner-guided to ask Walter Boyd for a session, for a number of reasons. I reached out to him and we agreed to schedule a session for yesterday.

Well I’m still integrating from that session and what a wowzer it was. Walter Boyd is an amazing being and I’m convinced that he was born with a golden CK spoon in his mouth.”


“This morning I had the privilege of being facilitated by the amazing “CK Magician” Walter W. Boyd.  Wow another home run, Walter hit it outta the ball park and I got multiple sessions in one!!!  So much genuine compassion and understanding with exceptional gifts, customized perfectly for me!!!  

Again I always struggle picking an area to delve in and I just love when my facilitator nails it for me and Walter did this twice!!!  We started with the analogy of the car battery, I absolutely loved this idea and boy did I need a new one as I had stated I feel like a car battery that just won’t hold a charge anymore.  My brand new, polished battery came with a lifetime guarantee, its an upgraded version that also includes a special switch so I never let myself get drained again!!  Other bells and whistles where added to the whole session. Talk about creative genuious!!  

Oh no not done, then Walter spun his magic again and found another key point where my life path took a new, damaging, direction that has kept me stuck without a tribe, lost, alone with no direction, my 6 year old who couldn’t read and was placed in the school class a year ahead of where she should have been placed, in a new Country, experiencing for the first time life with a mean Dad and what the Real World was actually like.  I also rarely have an emotional reaction to CK statements but Walter found my wounds, tears flowed several times throughout our entire session!! 

Walter nailed it and it was all 150% beneficial to me once again and what was urgently needed the most!!  Exceeded my expectations. Thank you so very much Walter for working your magic on me and giving me an incredible session!!!”



An opportunity to clear an imprint from lifetimes, of being persecuted, for speaking truth ,or defending a position.

Thank you Walter W. Boyd  for clearing that, and thank you Walter, for re invigorating my Divine Masculine, and bringing Love and joy back ,to the Inner God/Goddess and Divine Inner Child!

Miraculous journey! Thank you. 

End result, a massive surrender of the responsibility to have to be the Guardian of truth, and that Justice never comes. It always does. God sees everything!

I love how all of the Inner work we are doing, is the Gift that keeps on Giving! The Universe will always bring the opportunities to clear even more karmic imprints. And then one day, it’s done!”


“I had my session with Walter.  Boy, oh, boy!  I already had a lot of respect for Walter before our session, just from reading his posts but  I just wasn’t prepared for what came next.  That session blew me out of the water!

Never in my life had I had any past-life experiences.  Not even under Quantum Hypnosis.  I also had a lot of difficulty seeing things in my mind.  Then along comes Walter, and changes all of that in a single session!  I could tell right away that Walter has had a lot of experience and was able to seamlessly bring his “flavor” to CK, with amazing results. 

It is so rare to meet someone who makes masterful use of his astrological traits, and it is a beauty to behold such a person doing this kind of work and just how amazingly good he is at it.

He conducted himself with such mastery throughout the whole session, you could’ve sworn he had been doing CK for decades! Absolutely on point!  He worked on every aspect that needed working, and made it look easy!  Wow!

After a successful session, we are left with a very subtle feeling that a shift has taken place.  Well, before our session was over, I could feel a very powerful shift taking place.  I don’t know how else to describe it.  Really looking forward to seeing how this shift integrates, settles in and manifests in Form for me as time goes on.”


The keys to your Castle

Every room, every space, every conceivable reality we can imagine has a doorway leading into it, requiring a specific key to unlock it. Our resonant vibrational frequency determines the key we are master of and the reality we have access to and find ourselves in.

The heart generates a frequency and is modulated by the state of each of the other chakras in our energetic system, rising and falling like the tides as we move from moment to moment, reflecting and mirroring the environment and the people we are engaging with.

The vision we are in agreement with, the goal we at-“tune” and lovingly pay attention to aligns and opens us to embody the frequency of our focal point.

We become our Vision and it becomes us. 

The doorway has always only been a portal to a facet of our infinity. (At-tune to this knowing.) You have access to an infinite range of possibilities.

Which key will we each keep our focus on? 

Whilst is would seem fairly clear cut to simply choose a frequency and to stick with it, the energetic templates within the circuitry of our consciousness will play a powerful part in the upholding of that frequency.

Clear the pathways to insure the integrity of your heart frequency and your dreams will become your reality. The inner work starts when we know what it is that we are seeking to create.


Releasing the Captives of our Projections

We all project. It’s our way of creating security in ourselves and in the world, as we continually interact with one another, be it with an individual, a group, an event, a situation etc. Name something and it’s likely that it will arouse some kind of response in ourselves.

And the stronger the reaction, whether positive or negative, the greater the energetic content of the projection and the bond between self and the other.

Whenever you hear the words “I expected ….” or sentiments alluding to some type of expectancy or assumption, whether from yourself in reference to another or from someone in relation to you, you can bet that projection is at play.

Whilst mostly unconscious, our projections are handed to those who energetically have some capacity to carry the label of the projection, be it beauty, ugliness, cruelty, bully, warrior, stupidity, wisdom, and the list is endless.

And if I were to ask you now, to think of someone who triggers you, and what is it about that person that shakes your your inner harmony?, their attribute that triggered you, evoked an archetypal emotional association and it is this which you have handed over to them as a projection.

As the saying goes, “if you spot, you got it.”, and for some reason, some aspect of ourself is not willing to accommodate or carry that label and instead, let someone else carry it.

And yet this unconscious practice keeps us, and those which have to bear the weight of our projections, continually tied into an energetic cage of limitations.

Like it or not, the projection dynamic keeps all participants trapped and shackled within it, and as long as the projection is allowed to continue on an unconscious level, there is little chance for freedom to be truly whole and authentic for all participants in the dynamic.

The last 2 years have been powerful in helping me realise what I was projecting out or what I was carrying from others. Regardless of my stance with the requirements of the current narratives going round the world, I realised I had unconsciously allotted attributes to different sections of my social network and have been at times, quite surprised at the error of my allocations or felt the backlash of not falling in line with a projection.

Now more than ever, in answering the call to personal Sovereignty, it is crucial to liberate self and the other from our projections. In doing so, we reclaim our power, setting ourselves (and the recipient of our projections) free to BE and the opportunity for our interaction to evolve into a more creative and life affirming expression.

The process which I have been guided to employ combines the following 3 processes:

  1. First we hold space in the capacity of deep and profound Compassion to expand the Heart field and envelop that which is being witnessed.
  2. Next, a key aspect of the liberation process is a practice learnt in Psychosynthesis called “Bifocal Vision” where whilst presented with the “reality” before us, we also consciously  make space for what we acknowledge to be the potential within.

Extend this a little deeper, see the other clothed in the fullest expression of the projections we have placed upon them whilst also acknowledging and affirming the sacred that is within them, allowing for the recognition that they are so much more than the labels we have given them, and through this create space to allow their greatness to present themselves.

So too, just as we have given away aspects of ourselves by labelling another as having that attribute, e.g. “they are so stupid”, recognise that that same stupidity exists within self and therefore, use humility and humanity to allow compassion to arise for self.

All this is beautifully encapsulated through the word “Namaste”, which means “the sacred in me sees the sacred in that which I am bearing witness to.” Chant this whilst holding the other or yourself in your field of Compassion.

  1. And finally, when you feel that the charge of the interaction has been released, behold the individual with Gratitude for the learning, wisdom and integration you have gained.

And that’s it. Whilst I am continually being reminded to use this method especially with my triggers which cause my field to collapse, I am also aware that in time the need will also be to release the things that cause it to expand, as this is an indicator of positive qualities which I have projected onto another, attributes I will need to reclaim on my path to Wholeness.

Family, I love you. Namaste, I see you. I am deeply thankful for the Sacredness of you.

I set you free. 


HUMAN FAMILY Light Activation

Human Family Activation Code

*Should you choose to share my artwork, please insure that my copyright details are included in the image. Thank you.

This code was not meant to be released until after the other light body activations but in light of current global world events, I was instructed by my guides to proceed with sharing this code today.

Now more than ever, the individual sacred spark that we each hold within must remember its true function, an intrinsic jigsaw piece in the intricate tapestry of life and the family come together in unity, solidarity and respect.

May the four human branches, keepers of fire, earth, air and water, remember their sacred custodianship and remember their sacred duty to Mother Earth. May we come together under the great tree of life as one family.

The activation is purely in the image and no exercise is required to activate it apart from your intention to receive.

Higher Resolution Images are available as Activation posters.


Setting your Emotions Free

This came onto my feed today and I found it deeply inspiring and entertaining at the same time. As a person who has suffered from asthma in my younger years and intense bouts of grieving and sorrow (for what seemed like no apparent reason at the time.), I see that both sisters are experiencing a different reaction to the same trigger. Note how civilised that they both attempt to be to one another, yet their afflictions are real.

Granted if this a case in session, I would ask if both sisters were still living under the same roof. If the answer was yes, then I would go deeper and investigate if the trigger was arising somewhere within the family dynamic but if they were not, to isolate the trigger that was arising from the social constructs that they were keeping themselves faithful to. Either energetic construct can be dismantled, it may take time but know that it can be done. The knowing on how to do this is coming back to the collective awareness.

What is interesting in my story is that it was after I discovered that my astrological chart indicated a strong sensitivity to energies (through my Moon Neptune conjunction in Scorpio), that the first steps on my journey of healing began. Granted it was not a sudden fix but the first time I really felt like I had broken out of the cage of my asthma was when my ability to assert myself came to the fore. Even more interesting was the correlation on how I had intuited that for me to break out of my dark depressive bouts, I needed the support of a sibling to give me a well intentioned, no holds back slap stating “Snap out of it.”

In both cases, my breaking out of my cage was the mobilisation of my own rage, my fire, my will, my Solar Plexus. Something within my Moon Neptune combo, as celebrated a gift to me now, it was a bitch of a curse when I was younger, a tsunami on a camp fire type energy and yes there were times in my very early years that it felt like my fire was going out, the late night doctor call outs attest to that. To heal, I had to find ways to keep the fire going and that has been an ongoing journey of exploration, because as I say in astrology, you can’t cut out the aspects but you can change the way it engages with the rest of the chart.

Growing up in a society, and perhaps a global mindset that at this time is being dismantled, where emotions were only the playground of artists and poets; not only was I displaced from my playground but I was also not given the appropriate tools to engage, work or transmute the energies of my natural “band of experience”.

As more and more of us awaken to this aspect of ourselves, and yes, they are many of us now, more and more will hear the call to fully integrate this sublime aspect of ourselves, the emotional self, a fractal of the soul and as we do that, the vibrancy and spaciousness that the poets and artists have been putting to paper will once again be an aspect of the collective.

Brothers, sisters, empaths, sensitives, find ways to dance with this aspect of you, integrate it. We have come to spill the colours back onto the earth.

Namaste ❤ Have a blessed weekend.

Your Guiding Star, Align and Connect to it.

Archetypal and Tachyon Combination 23-02-2022

One of the themes of my work, which I feel very passionate about is to bring #Sovereignty back to my clients. In fact, the #Sovereigntycodeswere very much in my conscious awareness way back in early 2019 when I channeled through a light code, which I have since shared in Sept 2020. 

Arising from this has been my “Aligning and connecting to your Guiding Star”protocol which I channeled through whilst in session with a client in Dec 2021. 

The protocol, which I have since used with my other clients, has been invaluable in helping to clear the blocks and limitations that have hindered them from walking the path of their Soul, and to do so with their life force buzzing. 

Working on a case quite separate in intention and goal today (around money), its interesting to note that this #archetype and #tachyoncombination points to the guidance that the client needed to listen to her own inner guidance and to be confident in that guidance. So as part of the work, we went in and completed the Activating Your Guiding Star Protocol and the energy that came through was to help her open up to the Universe, to consciously be more receptive primarily towards her soul (and soul family, not just the ones within incarnation) and to strengthen her communication skills within this arena. 

It is also interesting to note that two other archetypes came up, the Inner Teacher and the words “The Truth, the Light and the Way.” 

I’d say we were on track, that whilst her money blocks were being attended to, what her Soul wanted from our session was for her to hear (and trust) once more the inner guidance that has been speaking to her all along. 

I look forward to hearing of her continued breakthroughs and wish her continued success in following her own guidance system. 

#breakthrough #soul #soulpath #souljourney #soulfamily #innerguidance #innerwisdom #empowerment #energyhealing #adundance #hummingbird #spirituality #spiritualhealing #amazinglife #Guidinglight

Reading and Healing Transmission 22-02-2022

Reading and Healing Grid 22 -02 – 2022

A blessed day to one and all, I’m sharing with you a healing message I received this morning, along with a tachyon healing balance with the reading. 

So the question I was pondering, for those of us who feel the call to show up at this time and own our unique gifts, what do we need to know right now?

Right from the get go, the statement that I heard in my head was “Get clear with what brings you joy. Align with what you would consider your heart’s desires. Start by being powerfully discerning to make clear choices and to allow yourself to walk the path that nurtures and promotes your life force/Spirit, to allow it to grow and evolve.” 

Tachyon: Get clear and open up to angelic support. Ask. Ask. Ask. They can’t help you until you give permission!!”

“The impetus to accumulate and strategise in an attempt to be on par with the crowd is what is limiting the flow of your own unique expression. Your over reactive/activated survival instinct (collective obsession) needs your healing attention so that the abundance codes you (already) carry can express themselves through you. You do not have to fit in to blossom.”

“This impetus to strategise and accumulate is a distortion of the initial codes of abundance that you already carry within you. You are abundant but you have forgotten or have lost your connection to it. Practice gratitude as a way of balancing this.” 

Tachyon: Opening up to Joy. The distortion to your abundance codes have come from your becoming unconscious to the worldly rule that you need money to survive. Eg choosing a career or doing something out of necessity even if you hated it. Find pathways or open up to finding opportunities that allow you to create abundance through things you love.

“You desire to be an emissary of healing and hope is what has led to some of those distortions. This is where the discernment is an important aspect in deciding which wars are to be fought and which you must willingly (and in trust) let go to a higher power.” 

“The very challenge that we are wrestling with is a birthing process to being more connected to the flow of your own life force, to become at one with your essence and to re-activate the wisdom and inner-sense that you hold within.”

Tachyon: Powerful transformations will take place as you open up to more and more of our potential, more and more of our truth.

“Where we stand at the moment, there is a little too much moping over what is now gone. The good old days must be appreciated for the blessings they brought but you must expand your perspective to see what blessings you do hold in reserve. Again, the gratitude exercise will shift your vibrational state and allow you to see what potentials you have left standing on the shelf for too long. This is also an indicator that old tools that you have come to rely on are not as effective as they used to be. Their time have passed and they too acted as a bridge to allow you to step into more of your power.”

Tachyon: Healing of the broken self image. Time to really see who looks back in the mirror, warts and all and to integrate. Positive and negative, the integration and assertive (leading to confident) affirmation of unity within. 

“Yes the world, our environment is in turmoil, but you cannot meet it whilst you consider playing with the old tools. Your outer experience is acting as a powerful catalyst to help you grow into who you have come to be.”

Tachyon: Releasing deep insights around why there is a need to heal. To become clear as to who actually wins through your intervention. Eg empaths may take on other people’s gunk in an attempt to make it all better for others whilst not recognising that you rob the other of the learning experience and if you have not been developing your ability to transmute, you will become a repository of other people’s energetic trash. 

“Courageously cultivate balance in your world, within and without and be open to the changes that are already in the process. Take courage, open up to it. You are being protected. Trust the free fall. Continue to get clear with what generates the greatest fulfilment with your sense of joy and the abundance that you seek will be.”

The healing is being transmitted through the photo and all you will need to do to access it is to read the notes and set your intention to receive, should you feel resonance with it. 

Namaste <3

#Tarot #Healing #Tachyon #Lightworkers #Flow #Joy #Getclear #222222

LightCode Activation for the Diamond Lightbody

I began working with activating light body recently and since I started I have been seeing this image and variations of this fractal everywhere, even in between blinks. And so I am sharing this code to support those of you who are open to activating and awakening to your magnificence.

To use:

1) with conscious breathing, bring your awareness to you heart, whilst looking at the core of the diamond structure. Both hands are raised as though receiving energy from above. Remember the recent cascade activation, you are using this hand position to connect and draw in codes from your higher aspects. Continue for a few breath cycles.

2) set the intention to receive this activation.

3) when you feel you have received an energy packet in your hands (you will feel it), draw your hands down, slowly, with conscious breathing , and imagine that you are drawing the energy packet through the centre of your being and direct it to your heart. You should feel something moving through your crown.

4) Rest your Left and Right on your Heart and keep it there whilst undertaking conscious/mindful breathing. Repeat process if you feel you need to. Eyes are looking at the heart of the image throughout this time.

5) When you feel that you have received what you have asked for, with your right hand (left still in place), gently tap your crown, followed by your third eye, then your heart and finally gently place your right hand on your sacrum, or middle finger on your tailbone/coccyx.

6) A few more conscious breaths and you are done.

If you would like to support my work, you can do so through

#lightlanguageactivation #starseeds #lightworker #blessing #warriors #crownchakra #awakening #spiritualawakening #cosmicfamily #Healing #sourcecodes #Starbeings #Diamondcodes #multidimensionality #lightcode #lightactivation #awakening #purification #lightbody #sourcecodes #diamondlightbody #ascensioncodes

Breakthrough to YOU

We can all agree that the last 2 years have been intense years of change and the astrological indicators are showing that this period of transformation is set to continue for a while longer. (I attribute the initiating trigger point as the Pluto Saturn Conjunct, Jan 2020.)

Whilst the external experiences and restrictions have been stressful, these same stressors offer a powerful opportunity for metamorphosis and evolution, if we choose to extract the potential inherent within the experiences.

Synchronistically, the original naming of the global issue is very telling. Corona, as it was called, means “a part of the body resembling or likened to a crown.”; and my personal felt sense is that these different challenges we face are all working together to initiate the recovery and the return of our sovereignty, both collectively and for the individual.

In these catalytic times, more than ever, we are being called to be all that we are, calling forth the fullest integrity and inner truth of our presence, to reconnect to our inner sense (innocence) and be truly liberated from energetic baggage that we have come to accept as normality.

Whilst reading the astro landscape of the external world may prove helpful in sign posting what is going on and what to expect, more importantly, it is clear remembrance of self that is crucial at this time. To meet any challenge, we must know what we have at our disposal within.

Additionally, a road map to the inner treasures that await within is alway a blessing. You may be surprised at the gifts that you carry but have been uncertain about truly owning them.

My astrology goes one step further; apart from the identification of the core qualities within the chart, I use energetic tools to facilitate the release of emotional and energetic blocks to allow for the healthier and more balanced expression of the chart, appropriate for each client.

As we gain gain better access to the tools, attributes and skills awaiting within us, we are better able to meet the moment with the fullness of our presence, and through that wholeness, we are the transformers and healers of that moment.


#astrology #knowthyself #healing #selfawareness #selfknowledge #clearingdistortions #roadmap #empowerment #sovereign #crownchakra #awakening #pluto #saturn #metamorphosis #transmutation #growth #souljourney

Protection Sigil

I’ve been receiving a lot of messages recently around issues of being attached, feeling stuck, blocked by heavy energies, aka bad juju which can appear as a consistent run of bad luck.

In response I was instructed today to create this sigil to support those who choose to use it. The following Protection Sigil employs the Andromedan Diamond Grid of Protection which I shared some months ago, coupled with the sigils for the 4 Angels, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael and finally a numeric sequence to support and uphold the Sovereign Divine Light within you.

Should you feel drawn to use this sigil, this is how you use it.

1) Print the Sigil, it does not need to be big, about the size of a post it note will do.

2) In the center of the image, on where the Andromedan sigil is, write “I AM DIVINELY PROTECTED”, followed by your name, your date of birth and sign it.

3) You may then fold this and keep it on you, eg. in your wallet or perhaps tucked into your phone as most of us carry our phones with us at most times.

Additional ideas:

a) If you are wanting to make multiple copies, you may also use one for your home space, again the same size as a post it note and place it under a dish. In the centre, you may write, either as before or “My Home is Powerfully and Divinely Protected.” Burn a tea light over this daily and with all fire works, be mindful of fire hazards close by, eg. curtains, cloths, children etc.

b) Place these wherever you are likely to spend a lot of your time in, eg, office work space, your car, remembering to adjust the words to the intention that the place with this sigil is being protected.Feel free to pass this on and share to those you know who could do with a bit of energetic and divine support at this time.

If you would like to work with me to focus more deeply on your challenges at this time, please DM me and we can book our sessions together.

Namaste brothers and sisters, may the light in you shine with the graceful ferocity of the divine sun that you are a living expression of.

#protection #angels #Andromeda #sigil #Michael #Gabriel #uriel #raphael #sovereignty #energyhealing #healing #protection #blessed