This came onto my feed today and I found it deeply inspiring and entertaining at the same time. As a person who has suffered from asthma in my younger years and intense bouts of grieving and sorrow (for what seemed like no apparent reason at the time.), I see that both sisters are experiencing a different reaction to the same trigger. Note how civilised that they both attempt to be to one another, yet their afflictions are real.
Granted if this a case in session, I would ask if both sisters were still living under the same roof. If the answer was yes, then I would go deeper and investigate if the trigger was arising somewhere within the family dynamic but if they were not, to isolate the trigger that was arising from the social constructs that they were keeping themselves faithful to. Either energetic construct can be dismantled, it may take time but know that it can be done. The knowing on how to do this is coming back to the collective awareness.
What is interesting in my story is that it was after I discovered that my astrological chart indicated a strong sensitivity to energies (through my Moon Neptune conjunction in Scorpio), that the first steps on my journey of healing began. Granted it was not a sudden fix but the first time I really felt like I had broken out of the cage of my asthma was when my ability to assert myself came to the fore. Even more interesting was the correlation on how I had intuited that for me to break out of my dark depressive bouts, I needed the support of a sibling to give me a well intentioned, no holds back slap stating “Snap out of it.”
In both cases, my breaking out of my cage was the mobilisation of my own rage, my fire, my will, my Solar Plexus. Something within my Moon Neptune combo, as celebrated a gift to me now, it was a bitch of a curse when I was younger, a tsunami on a camp fire type energy and yes there were times in my very early years that it felt like my fire was going out, the late night doctor call outs attest to that. To heal, I had to find ways to keep the fire going and that has been an ongoing journey of exploration, because as I say in astrology, you can’t cut out the aspects but you can change the way it engages with the rest of the chart.
Growing up in a society, and perhaps a global mindset that at this time is being dismantled, where emotions were only the playground of artists and poets; not only was I displaced from my playground but I was also not given the appropriate tools to engage, work or transmute the energies of my natural “band of experience”.
As more and more of us awaken to this aspect of ourselves, and yes, they are many of us now, more and more will hear the call to fully integrate this sublime aspect of ourselves, the emotional self, a fractal of the soul and as we do that, the vibrancy and spaciousness that the poets and artists have been putting to paper will once again be an aspect of the collective.
Brothers, sisters, empaths, sensitives, find ways to dance with this aspect of you, integrate it. We have come to spill the colours back onto the earth.
Namaste Have a blessed weekend.