One of the themes of my work, which I feel very passionate about is to bring #Sovereignty back to my clients. In fact, the #Sovereigntycodeswere very much in my conscious awareness way back in early 2019 when I channeled through a light code, which I have since shared in Sept 2020.
Arising from this has been my “Aligning and connecting to your Guiding Star”protocol which I channeled through whilst in session with a client in Dec 2021.
The protocol, which I have since used with my other clients, has been invaluable in helping to clear the blocks and limitations that have hindered them from walking the path of their Soul, and to do so with their life force buzzing.
Working on a case quite separate in intention and goal today (around money), its interesting to note that this #archetype and #tachyoncombination points to the guidance that the client needed to listen to her own inner guidance and to be confident in that guidance. So as part of the work, we went in and completed the Activating Your Guiding Star Protocol and the energy that came through was to help her open up to the Universe, to consciously be more receptive primarily towards her soul (and soul family, not just the ones within incarnation) and to strengthen her communication skills within this arena.
It is also interesting to note that two other archetypes came up, the Inner Teacher and the words “The Truth, the Light and the Way.”
I’d say we were on track, that whilst her money blocks were being attended to, what her Soul wanted from our session was for her to hear (and trust) once more the inner guidance that has been speaking to her all along.
I look forward to hearing of her continued breakthroughs and wish her continued success in following her own guidance system.
#breakthrough #soul #soulpath #souljourney #soulfamily #innerguidance #innerwisdom #empowerment #energyhealing #adundance #hummingbird #spirituality #spiritualhealing #amazinglife #Guidinglight